zaterdag 17 mei 2008

The first week after....

After a nice weekend and an extra day off (Whistun holiday)back to INHOLLAND Den Haag. It was strange to go back in the real world - it felt like missing something, the international colleagues and working together at only one thing - he E-ped.course!
Now I had to share attention with twenty things and hardly any time to share my experiences with collegues.
But every day I had in mind to do something for the course - reading and working on the article, thinking of how to arrage my own course, thinking of he pedagogical and didactical demands.... But is hard and becomes harder to take time for this...

The problem with the shared document we use for the article about e-learning is, that the 3 of us put a lot of text in it, but how to arange a structured article of this? I really think we have to make appointments about this.
Yesterday (Friday) we planned our chatmeeting about the e-paper, but unfortunately, Vivienne was not online (she had problems with installing MSN as she mailed later on)
but Toni and I made some appointments,especially about the structure, that we mailed to her. I hope we will manage to structure the article in a effective way! It is my first experience (no, that's not quite true, but this is different) with a shared document, so I wonder how peole manage with this!
With the MSN chat I experienced it hard to communicate synchronous. When you write your answer too long, you give an answer to something which is already overruled by another question! It is effective to have short answers and questions and when you see that the other is writing, the best is to wait til ou see the written senses and then answer.So that is for me something to work on.
Today, Saturday, I worked about 3 hours on the structure of the article in the quietness of my home with nobody there! I feel that I ned this to work effectively and at the University I can hardly find that because we are with about 12 people in a small room.... So this work for the E-ped course, I better can do at home.

The only thing I have still to do is to make my learning objectives and a time schedule.. but it seems that this has for me no priority, I know what I have to do, I have the schedule in my head.... But I have to do it, just as I would say to students that they have to do it!! This will be a goal for the coming days.
But first sme preparation for my visit to Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany that will start tomorrow!

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