zaterdag 17 mei 2008

The first week after....

After a nice weekend and an extra day off (Whistun holiday)back to INHOLLAND Den Haag. It was strange to go back in the real world - it felt like missing something, the international colleagues and working together at only one thing - he E-ped.course!
Now I had to share attention with twenty things and hardly any time to share my experiences with collegues.
But every day I had in mind to do something for the course - reading and working on the article, thinking of how to arrage my own course, thinking of he pedagogical and didactical demands.... But is hard and becomes harder to take time for this...

The problem with the shared document we use for the article about e-learning is, that the 3 of us put a lot of text in it, but how to arange a structured article of this? I really think we have to make appointments about this.
Yesterday (Friday) we planned our chatmeeting about the e-paper, but unfortunately, Vivienne was not online (she had problems with installing MSN as she mailed later on)
but Toni and I made some appointments,especially about the structure, that we mailed to her. I hope we will manage to structure the article in a effective way! It is my first experience (no, that's not quite true, but this is different) with a shared document, so I wonder how peole manage with this!
With the MSN chat I experienced it hard to communicate synchronous. When you write your answer too long, you give an answer to something which is already overruled by another question! It is effective to have short answers and questions and when you see that the other is writing, the best is to wait til ou see the written senses and then answer.So that is for me something to work on.
Today, Saturday, I worked about 3 hours on the structure of the article in the quietness of my home with nobody there! I feel that I ned this to work effectively and at the University I can hardly find that because we are with about 12 people in a small room.... So this work for the E-ped course, I better can do at home.

The only thing I have still to do is to make my learning objectives and a time schedule.. but it seems that this has for me no priority, I know what I have to do, I have the schedule in my head.... But I have to do it, just as I would say to students that they have to do it!! This will be a goal for the coming days.
But first sme preparation for my visit to Hochschule Darmstadt, Germany that will start tomorrow!

zaterdag 10 mei 2008

The last day of the E pedagogy course......(and the day before....

Yesterday we ended the day by a lovely walk to the Social Work building of HiB to have dinner there together prepared byAnne Karin and Grete Oline. They did a great job! I think it amazable to see how much attention they gave to us this week! And even prepare dinner for us!
(I forgot the name of the ' porridge' that Anne Karin made, a speciality from Norway but I liked it') It was very nice to talk, eat and drink together - a very nice ' last supper'.
(It was a pity that we were not complete: Jochen Peter had already to go home)
So there was not much time left yesterday afternoon for reflection, but we had a very good day in my opinion. After some instructions we went on with our curriculumplans. We made the decision that Vivienne, Antonia and I will work together and we will try to make one big course of 10 EC and everyone takes one part to develop. I am glad we did, because our themes are related together and it is a good way of cooperation.
We had a good brainstorm of an hour and the result of listening to each other and try ta make the best construction for each in the whole structure is a good one! Working together gives a lot more results than doing it on your own! We made appointments about the next work we have to do - the E-learning paper and the curriculum.
So a very good day to end with!

Today we started later and with still less people: Klas Goran and Vivienne had to leave earlier in the morning, so we were left with 6 of us.
We evaluated about yesterday and the course. Everybody has a good feeling about it especially when the course get more practice. The weekend before was a very good way to get to learn each other and get more familiair. But the work we have still to do is very much and everybody looks at it like how to climbe a mountain
Anne Karin was very open in her reflection: she acknowledged that it was hard to get the group involved the first days but by changing the program this ' problem' was solved. She was impressed by our reflections and the work we did on the last day with the start of creating our curriculum.
I think I learned a lot of this week, about ict skills, about reflections, about contents of Social Work and I met a lot of wonderful and interesting people. So this week will always stay with a * in my memory. I hope we can work together in the future!
I am looking forward to work with Vivienne and Antonia to our Curriculum and to chat and mail with the others!
Thanks very much everybody! And especially of course Anne Karin, Grete etc.....

donderdag 8 mei 2008

Reflection of Day 4 of the E Pedagogy Course

We are at the half of the course now - the wheather seems very fine today, so a challenge for this day! I am looking forward to a new day with a lot of experiences! I get more and more familiar with the group, the University, Bergen... I feel almost at home.

As a start of this day Elke, Vivienne and David presented their reflections. The most important outcome: to less practical information (yesterday), most of us are learning by doing, but we are not doing as much as would be necessary. Anne Karin picked this up really well and arranged more practical time this day and also more practical information for those who are not so familair and fast with all those virtual things (like me........)
The main aim of reflections is that we can improve ourselves (als students) and are also helpful to others (as teacher to teacher)
I myself reflected in my blog of the day before, what I learned myself from the MSN chat about the feedback I gave. That was missing in the presented blogs this morning. The presented blogs were more describing and about feelings, but I think it's important to use it more as a learning tool. Because this was a reflection after a reflection, I didn't mention it in the group, but it shoudl have been a good discussion point.
Next we entered the Vitero conference with first of all a lot of visual information about how this program works, then some excerceses - very educational and very well done by the German moderator. I got a lot of energy about it - it keeps my attention and I was very concentrated. A very good tool for conversation especially with international contacts I think... I hope we can use it together after the Course
I think everybody liked the Vitero conference possibilities, I could feel the energy in the group.
The excercies with Google doc etc. were also interesting - a new world was opening for me, but sometimes I felt lost - how to come to this page or how to link this to my blog.... Stay calm!
And with some help (thanx Jon!) I managed. So my feelings about my ' virtual competences' are growing better, but there is still a lot to learn. But I like it!

This day gave me a lot of new experiences and time flies, a more balanced day for me than the days before. I feel that I got more and more tools to create the course and to be a good e-teacher.


woensdag 7 mei 2008

Reflection E Pedagogy course Day 3

This was the third day of our E Pedagogy Course. We started the day with 3 of ours who read their reflection. It was good to see how people go through their process in e-learning and how useful it can be in the learning process.
Afterwoods we had a discusson about the transparency and open feedback in an open classroom.
It is important that we try to keep the contact alive with students and keep positive because of the virtual environment.
After that we got 2 cases of work of students onwhich a teacher have given feedback. We were asked to analyse this and give feedback on the feedback. The first was too short: you have done wonderful work and it might that the student can think: he had no time for this. The other too long and to much of his own knowledge, without motivating the student to do more.
it gives a good idea what to do well and what to do not.
We got a new case and were asked to give a reflection on that.
After lunch we had a lecture about MSN and we went online and give reflection to our work
Antonia gave feedback: to hard she found me for the students, als too much. It should be shorter. Anne Karin thought that questions as I did was a good way.
So, what dit i learn about this:
a. be (very) positive
b. be short
c. be not too hard
It was good to do this by MSN, a nice way. But, also here you have to consider the way of reflection to the other. Afterwords I realized that Anthonia wasto direct and not too motivated to me!

dinsdag 6 mei 2008

Day 2 of the E-pedagogy Course

We started with a summary of the reflections of yesterday of 5 students. Later on we spoke about the usefulness of reflections. What I learned that it would be very useful to reflect also as a teacher. So wenn I have suggestions to do things better, I can give these in my own blog.
A reflection is very good because you take some distance (a helicopterview)and look at what you went right and what went wrong and why. You can mkae new aims on what went wrong to do better a following time.
I learned that for students the reflection is very important because the digital position is (or could be) a very lonely one, so it is very important to give feedback in the right time and on the right way. Also a summary could be very useful for students to recognise themselves or to relevate their feelings about some aspects.
Anne Karin presented about the VIRCLASS project and courses - it looks very good and I am impressed by the work what is done.
Then we had a group session in 3 with boxes with some notes. We had a paper with some text about a realistic situation. Several questions: what is the situation about? it is written, but can jyou ' see' what happens? what questions have you? can it be used like this in Virclass?
What I learned was to look on different ways to the case: from the clients perspective, but also the social workers perspective, from an ethical perspective, a research perspective etc.
So, not too fast, but looking at a problem in different perspectives. Of course I know, but it is good to experience this from the perspective of a student. How can I motivate and help students as a teacher in future to have this broad mind of view?!
In the afternoon we had again some excercises in the learning environment and also we worked as teachers on our course. To add your students is not the most difficult thing to do, but to ad a picture etc. asks already some more excercise. But, I try to understand as good as possible the steps to take and hope to be able to excercise the coming days. it as good to see that the tempo was less high than yesterday, so it was easier to follow and to try the different possibilities.

maandag 5 mei 2008

My reflections on the E-pedagogic course 5th of May 2008

My reflections on the E-Pedagogy course 5\5\2008

This are my reflections of the first day of our E-Pedagogy Course. It was quite a different area, after the great weekend on Skerjehamn
We started the day with the presentation of the teachers in this course and I think I can learn a lot of them. Grete Oline Hole gave a presentation about e-learning pedagogy with a lot of interesting notes which I really want to know more about, for instance about the three taxonomies she mentioned. I have to improve my knowledge about pedagogics to become a good e-teacher!

After her presentation we talked about our (the students) experiences about our experiences of the firt weeks. It seemed that all students had the same feeling: the overwhelming lot of work and the time you need, but you haven't. I learned that it is important to make a time schedule for the coming weeks, and link it to the tasks to do. I will try to do that as soon as possible.
We also talked about some technical problems. The thing that irritated me most is the fact that I have problems with my Blog. I learned most from seeing what to do and not only from text.

The presentation of Anne Karin about e-teacher competences was interesting and connected with my relation to my blackboard course with the US students I am very much aware of the importance of the collaboration with your students, the interaction and the dialogue.
Also the ICT skills are very important for me to get more familiair with it.

The afternoon training in navigating was clear for me and I learned some new and helpful things: how to see all the participants together, how to send a mail to all the students etc.

The Blog training is still difficult for me: I made a new blog, but it is not yet in mij it's learning, not find in my e-portfolio! How to do that? I hope that it soon will be managed!

de eerste maal!!

this is the first mail from my blog - hopefully it works!