donderdag 19 maart 2009

How to get triggered for triggers.....

18 + 19 March 2009

Sometimes you really want to structure your ideas,feelings or reflections on paper, but yesterday and today there were more reflections in my head and not yet ready for paperwork, and, to be honest: I was/am a little bit tired!
But,still I'll try to make a short reflection.

The last two days were very interesting for me. I was triggered to make triggers by the good lectures and information of the Xavier, Trude en Lisbet from the Mediacentre. And I really want to learn to make a good trigger,not only for Vircamp, but also to use in my own lectures.
And again I recognised a lot of the given information from my own art education.
The most important points:

A trigger is a multimediaproduction (text, graphics, photography, film music, animated items etc.
-we have many senses but one attention! Each element contributes to the total message - avoid 'noise'en remove unintended stories.
A trigger can be a methaphor - must 'trigger' to reflecting, thinking about something etc..
- what caches people's attention?
- movement
- focus
- big items
- colours

Anothter posssibility is the Digital Story - a collection of pictures or film with music, that tell the personel story of somebody (see www.storycenter.or - Myyshoes.
Than we started with brainstorming Gudrun, Ursula en Pieter vP.
I experienced the difficulty for the technicals to understand the content of the communitywork module. The first hour was listening to eacht other, asking questions, arguing etc. I experienced that I had strongly to keep in mind not to give the clue or the solution to something, but to let students think about that!
At the end of the afternoon we had the subject: starting point is a picture from the shrinking city serie from Gudrun. We want to trigger the students by showing them that bad areas can be changed in good areas, with the social worker as one of the keyrole playerss for projects and projectplanning.
Before and after the dinner in Egons restaurant, I worked on the first draft of mu screenlecture: 'Art as tool for social change'. I noticed that it was a long time ago that I was able to work so quiet for some hours! It still triggers me how to make a dynamic screenlecture without much read text by one 'head'.

Thursdaymorning: first the Trigger of the day (I really should have to see the film s slumdog millionaire!) and than back to the Triggerwork.
I received the mail from Eduardo with a summay of the film we made of the social sofa project. This is wonderful material for the screenlecture! I gave it to Xavier to experience of this is the good quality for taken in the lecture.

After a discussion about the form of the Trigger, with help of Trude, we (= our Triggergroup) came to our final decision: one building - with photoshop - sound and music - the change from the desolated area till the liveble and good area. After all it took a very long time to come to a good decision together. Finally: starting the work!
For the first time in my life I put some sounds in a scheme, cut, fade out etc.

In lunchtime we went to Vilvite - a centre for scientific recreation and learning and we were allowed to be homo ludens for about an hour and a half. A wonderful experience with presenting the wheatherforcast, making a digital painting, looking under the sealevel etc. etc.
After still 2 hours working is was obvious that we each group needed more time to finish the triggers, so tomorrow another hour to work on.

Than: fresh air! With Lssma, Bieke and Pieter up to Floyen! Lasma and I went to the top with the train and walked down - a nice walk with lovely views of a beautiful landscape in the sunset.
Bergen, Norway- I feel really at home here..

Now I am going to publish this blog and hopefully I will be lucky to publish some foto's and the 'painting' from Vilvide.....the blog still has some hidden secrets for me....

Geen opmerkingen: